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23.03.2007 18:16 - Клетката - структура
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Последна промяна: 23.03.2007 18:47


Клетката е основна форма на организация на живата материя. Тя представлява микроскопично по обем телце, в което се извършват обмяната на веществата и постоянно самообновяване.Имат различна форма и големина.
 Основните, задължителни съставни части на клетката са: протоплазмата (цитоплазмата) и ядрото.  Най-важното е ,че тя е изградена от 50% до 90% от вода.Останалите елементи , най-голямо значение имат , въглерода, водорода, кислорода и азота.
Протоплазмата има доста непостоянен състава, свързан с постоянното протичащите в нея жизнени процеси. В нея се откриват две групи образувания: органоиди и клетъчни включения.
Органоидите са постоянни, живи съставки на клетката, които участват в жизнените процеси и се изменят във връзка с измененията на процесите. Към органоидите спадат, клетъчния център (центрозомата), хондриомата и вътреклетъчният мрежест апарат на клетката, наречен апарат на Голджи.
-клетъчния център се състои от едно или две кръгли понякога овални телца, наречени центриоли  ,заобиколен от по светла ивица на цитоплазмата, в която липсват каквито и да било включения. Клетъчния център се разполага най-често в центъра на клетката, близо до клетъчното ядро. Той играе важна роля в деленето на клетката.
-хондромата няма постоянна форма. В едни клетки е под формата на нишки, в други като пръчици или зрънца. Нейното участие в процесите протичащи в клетката не е изяснено. Предполага се ,че има значение за обмяната на веществата.
-апарата на Голджи (вътреклетъчния мрежест апарат) е значително разпространен в животинските клетки. Неговата структура и положение в клетката са доста разнообразни. В едни от клетките се явява под формата на разпръснати по цялата протоплазма зрънца, в други - като компактна мрежа или във вид на струпирани или пръснати малки клъбца. Неговата роля и значение за функциите на клетката са много неясни.
Клетъчните включения - са различни по структура непостоянни образувания (мехурчета, влакна, зрънца и др.), които се появяват във връзка с обмяната на веществата. Към клетъчните включения спадат фини мастни капки, гликогенни и пигментни зрънца или частици от слуз и капчици от секрет.
В някои клетки, например мускулните, се образуват специализирани пртоплазмени образувания - миофибрили (мускулни нишки), свързани с някои специфични за тези клетки функции, наречени метаплазматични образувания.

Ядрото - постоянна, задължителна съставка на клетката, която образува с протоплазмата единна неделима система. По правило клетката има едно и рядко по две и повече ядра. Изключение правят някои гигантски клетки , които имат по повече ядра. Например клетката на костния мозък. В някои животински организми се срещат клетки, при които ядрата изчезват във връзка със деференцияцията на функциите им. Такива са червените кръвни клетки.Формата на ядрото повече или по-малко съответства на формата на клетката. В плоските клетки ядрото има най-често сплесната форма, в кръглите клетки  - кръка форма, а удължените - елепсовидна. Срещат се и изключения, като при някои бели кръвни клетки (левкоцитититедрата имат неправилна форма, несъответстваща на формата на клетката. При живата клетка ядрото най-често представлява мехурче или добре ограничено от протоплазмата чрез ядрена мембрана светло петно. В ядрото се различават - ядрена мембрана, ядрена мрежа (хроматин и линин), едно или две ядърца и хомогенна маса ядрен сок. Химичния състав на ядрото - белтъчни вещества, в състава на които влизат свързани с нуклеинови киселини липоиди и неорганични соли.

 Клетката е жива система, която поддържа и възстановява своята цялост, приспособява се към условията на околната среда, расте, развива се и изпълнява различни функции. В клетките на високоспециализираните тъкани (нервна и др.) отделните функции отделните функции достигат особено силно развитие. Морфологичната и химичната структура на клетката и начина на обмяна на веществата обуславят протичането на жизнените процеси в живата клетка.
 Движенията на протоплазмата обуславят предвижването на клетката, измененията на формата и обхващането на частици или микроорганизми. С изменението на формата на клетката са свързани присъщите на някои клетки (левкоцити, макрофаги и редица ембрионални клетки) амебовидни движения. Освен амебовидни движения за редица клетки са характерни движения посредством камшичета или реснички, а също и мускулни движения, които са свързани с наличността в клетката на специални органоиди.

Тагове:   структура,


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15.11.2011 05:32
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Final week I wrote a health report on how chemical compounds we use everyday close to our homes and workplaces can be detrimental to our health, and very harmful to unborn and younger children.

This week there has been even [url=http://www.kamagrax.pl]Kamagra[/url] far more worrying wellness data given about the additive E211 in delicate drinks, specially at this time of the 12 months when some youngsters consume vast quantities. Mother and father have been warned that they ought to restrict the use of their children's delicate drinks owing to overall health fears above the protection of a generally utilized preservative E211, as laboratory checks have demonstrated that it can switch off very important areas of DNA, creating really serious harm to cells. Concern is also offered to the fact that assessments suggest this could also consequence in other degenerative illnesses such as cirrhosis of the liver and Parkinson's condition.

E211 is found in quite a few tender drinks together with Fanta and Pepsi Max and quite a few other brand names of really consumed carbonated beverages. Peter Piper, a molecular biologist expert carried out the exploration into sodium benzoate or E211 at Sheffield University, the place he found that it could injury the mitochrondia, an significant place in DNA. Nevertheless the Meals Expectations Company and drink producers insist that arduous assessments are manufactured in advance of the approval and use of any of their additives, and it is deemed risk-free to wellness in the United kingdom, EU and US for foodstuff use. The FSA says that shoppers can go on to appreciate smooth beverages knowing they are protected.

Nonetheless, Peter Piper stated that "these chemicals have the potential to trigger severe hurt to DNA in the mitochrondia to the position that they absolutely inactivate it, they knock it out altogether". The mitochrondia consumes oxygen which offers you electricity, if this will become harmed the cell begins to malfunction very seriously. With this there is a full selection of disorders effecting your wellbeing now staying linked - by way of damage to DNA, Parkinson's foremost, but also several other neuro-degenerative conditions and of training course the total common wellness procedure of ageing.

Sodium benzoate is often employed to eliminate germs, yeast and fungi in soft drinks, fruit juices, jams and spreads, and salad dressings, as effectively as a lot of other items. But it is in the soft beverages, which are consumed in higher quantities, and been used for years by the carbonated beverages market that is creating concern. Peter piper acknowledges the fact that sodium benzoate experienced passed the United kingdom, European Union and US meals basic safety checks, but claims that these checks were being far too old to be trustworthy, and that by the criteria of modern basic safety screening are insufficient for our well being

Protection testing in other locations has moved ahead in the previous 50 a long time with new analysis, and so arduous new assessments need to be executed on E211 and other additives. Sodium benzoate is discovered normally in some fruit these kinds of as apples, cranberries, prunes, greengages and also cinnamon and cloves and as you know these are very good for your wellness. When sodium benzoate is blended with vitamin C it types a carcinogenic compound termed benzene.

I imagine that we really should not halt consuming carbonated drinks completely, but the intake should be restricted, and probably manufacturing of carbonated beverages with a shorter shelf living, needing significantly less additives would be a fantastic phase for companies to just take. This would possibly bring the selling price of carbonated beverages additional into line with healthier choices accessible, as at the instant they are the most inexpensive choice in most supermarkets.

Hope you locate this appealing, as I do not believe any of us are knowledgeable just how many distinct substances we consume often and the result they have on our wellbeing, in particular youngsters.

Components OF HSE Management<br>Overall health, Safety and Environmental conduite ought to be component of the engineering profession in a state for the goal of <br>o duty of care<br>o economic motives and<br>o legal causes.

HSE conduite must consequently contemplate five wide phases:<br>*Requirements<br>*Style and implementation<br>*Installation and commissioning<br>*Operation and preservation<br>*Modifications right after commissioning.<br>*Compliance with the requirements needs four important components:<br>*Identification of safety features essential for the safe and sound shutdown<br>*Assignment of a basic safety integrity amount (SIL) for every safety functionality<br>*Use of the security lifecycle for the engineering design and <br>*Verification of the SIL attained for each and every safety purpose.

three.0 ENGINEERING CODE OF Exercise<br>The engineering code of exercise will take into thought the next:<br>*Public protection: Providing main concern to the safety and well-staying of the community and obtaining regard to this theory in evaluating obligations to the purchasers, employers and colleagues.<br>*Possibility Administration: Using sensible steps to limit the risk of decline of lives, injuries or suffering.<br>*Office and development web-site: Lessening possible hazards concerned in the construction and produce of engineering goods and processes.<br>*Community/Group nicely-getting<br>*Communication<br>*Conflicts of curiosity<br>*Confidentiality

The privilege of working towards engineering is entrusted to these certified and who have the accountability for implementing engineering capabilities, scientific understanding and ingenuity for the development of human welfare and top quality of life. Basic rules of carry out of engineers include things like truth of the matter, honesty and trustworthiness in their provider to the culture, honourable and ethical practice demonstrating fairness, courtesy and fantastic religion in direction of purchasers, colleagues and others. Engineers get societal, cultural, economical, environmental and security aspects into consideration and strive for the effective use of the world's sources to meet up with extended time period individual wants.

four.0 SAFE ENGINEERING Patterns<br>Security is a problem in just about all engineering style and design processes. Engineers must realize protection in the context of engineering layout and what it indicates to say that a design is risk-free towards human injuries.

Current style procedures prioritize economic considerations above environmental ones. In some cases, financial concerns also serve environmental targets. For instance, the minimization of components utilized in a construction indicates sources are saved. If they are saved at the expenditure of the length of the working existence of a solution, then, economical things to consider conflict with environmental pursuits which demand that goods be made as long lasting as feasible mainly because of the need to lessen resource use and squander era in the prolonged expression.

Security is the antonym of risk. So, a style and design is safe to the extent that it decreases risk. Safe and sound design and style aims at reducing possibility in the common impression of this term.

A protected design is the mixture of all people procedures and principles that are utilized by engineers to make intended objects safe in opposition to mishaps major to human passing away or injuries, lengthy expression overall health consequences, hurt to the natural environment or malfunctioning in standard.

Many style approaches utilized to accomplish safety in operations of likely harmful engineering are:<br>*inherently protected design and style<br>*protection components<br>*unfavorable feedback (self-shutdown) and <br>*a number of unbiased safety limitations.

Probabilistic Threat Evaluation (PRA) is the most typical technique of evaluating security but protected models are applied to decrease pitfalls in the common (probabilistic) impression but is inadequate. Protected design and style methods are utilised to decrease approximated chances of injuries or lowering uncertainties not only hazards. They are used to cope with risks and eventualities that cannot be assigned meaningful chances.

5.0 DESIGN Rules IN ENGINEERING<br>There are 4 (four) main style ideas in Engineering apply.

(a)Inherently safe design:<br>This minimizes the inherent risks in the course of action as considerably as doable. Prospective hazards are excluded somewhat than enclosed or coped with. For occasion, harmful ingredients are replaced by significantly less harmful ones and hearth evidence products are utilized instead than inflammable kinds.

(b)Security Aspects<br>Construction need to be solid enough to resist load and disturbances exceeding people that are intended. A frequent way to get such security reserves is to hire explicitly picked out numerical protection components are used. If a safety component of two (two) is used when creating a bridge, then the bridge is determined to resist 2 times the maximal load to which it will be exposed to in follow.

(c) Unfavorable feedback mechanisms<br>This is launched to obtain a self-shutdown in circumstance of device failure or when the operator looses control. Good examples are basic safety valves that let out steam when the stress is also significant in a steam boiler and the lifeless man's hole that stops the prepare when the driver falls asleep. A single of the most critical safety steps in the nuclear industry is to make certain that reactors near straight down routinely in crucial situations.

(d)Numerous Impartial Basic safety Limitations<br>Security barriers are arranged in chains, so that every single barrier is impartial of its predecessors (if the first fails, the 2nd is still intact). The 1st limitations stop mishaps the second boundaries restrict the outcomes of an incident and rescue companies as the previous resort.

Safety factors and a number of basic safety barriers deal with uncertainties as properly as risks. But at this time, Probabilistic Possibility Assessment (PRA) is used but does not offer with uncertainties. Probabilistic calculations can help but will not supplant the Engineers' ethically liable judgment (atmosphere, overall health and security way of life).

Protection engineering principles also contain education of operators, routine maintenance of products and installations and incidence reporting are good examples of security procedures of common importance.

6.0 HEALTH, Protection & ENVIRONMENTAL Administration IN ENGINEERING Practice<br>The Engineering profession is predicted to be the harbinger of Wellness, Basic safety & Environmental management by advantage of the complexity of the output of the career and their impacts on the lives of the common populace. How have we carried this along in our qualified methods?

Seven (7) poor engineering practices have been recognized:<br>*Believing that if something is not exclusively stated, possibly "shall do" or "shall not do" in the standards, an engineer does not want to stress about it.<br>*Thinking that assembly the minimal necessities indicates the approach is secure and complies with the standard.<br>*Ignoring the worth of excellent engineering exercise.<br>*Planning programs that satisfy economical needs but not basic safety safety demands.<br>*Neglecting individual factors (faults in calculations etc)<br>*Focusing on funds cost and not on lifecycle costs.<br>*Focusing only on the basic safety integrity amount (SIL) and not on prevention.

Protection is an important moral prerequisite in engineering exercise. Methods for protected style and design are utilised not only to reduce approximated chances of injuries but also to cope with hazards and eventualities that can not be assigned meaningful probabilities. Designers have an moral liability to make constructions that are safe and sound for future use. Protection is concerned with avoiding specific lessons of gatherings that are morally correct to steer clear of.

In engineering style, security thought often incorporates protection against unintended human death or accidents that arise as a final result of the unintended use of the designed object for:<br>*Prevention of harm to the natural environment<br>*Prevention of very long term wellness results

For instance, if a bridge collapses, the engineers who developed it are held liable.

Building designers and builders must obey development protection in the use of Scaffolds, instrument nets, device packing containers, mechanical lifts and guide lifts beneath protected procedures, use of private protecting equipments (PPEs) on internet sites (boots/helmets), obvious passages and highway-techniques, design tapes to cordon off work regions etcetera. Most engineers have neglected this factor, therefore, playing with the lives of the generality of the populace.

What engineers do have long lasting influences on basic safety and define our stage of Atmosphere, Health and Security tradition.

7.0 ETHICAL OBLIGATIONS IN ENGINEERING Follow<br>Moral obligations are required in buy for engineers to have out their profession. Devoid of the obligation of confidentiality, clientele could not have confidence in engineers with commercially delicate info. With out these details, engineers could not do their jobs. The moral obligations of our career can be comprehended as responsibilities which are vital.

There are five (five) fundamental values vital for the moral obligations:<br>*Safety of lives and safeguarding of people.<br>*Professionalism, integrity and competence<br>*Motivation to group/public properly-currently being<br>*Sustainable management and care for the setting<br>*Sustaining engineering expertise

eight. ENGINEERING Practice Demands<br>*Engineers shall hold paramount the Wellness, Safety and Surroundings/welfare of the community in the exercise of their career.<br>*Engineers shall apply only in their regions or discipline of competence, in a cautious and diligent way and in conformance with requirements, laws, codes, policies and laws relevant to engineering apply.<br>*Engineers shall examine the societal and environmental impact of their steps and projects, such as the use and conservation of means and power in get to make educated recommendations and selections..<br>*Engineers need to declare their interests plainly.<br>*Engineers shall signal and choose responsibility for all engineering operates which they prepared or directly supervised. Engineers might indicator operates ready by others only with their consent and after sufficient critique and verification.<br>*Engineers shall act as trustworthy agents for their employers or purchasers and retain confidentiality, prevent conflicts of curiosity whenever doable and disclose unavoidable conflicts.<br>*Engineers specialist considerations must be produced acknowledged to the customer and the outcomes of engineering decisions or judgments.<br>*Engineers should reject any public functions, engineering conclusions or follow that endanger the HSE of the community.<br>*Engineers shall commit to life-very long learning, try to progress the physique of engineering understanding and ought to motivate other engineers to do furthermore.<br>* Engineers shall encourage responsibility, determination and ethics the two in the education and practice phases of engineering. They ought to increase society's recognition of engineer's responsibilities to the public and stimulate the communication of these concepts of moral perform amongst engineers.

nine.0 HSE SUSTAINABILITY Management <br>This is about the extended term survival of humanity. It recognizes that judgements produced currently have to enable both these in the existing as properly as people of the foreseeable future to make effective options about their excellent of living.

Failure to establish risks to security and the incapability to address or manage these risks can final result in huge expenditures, each human and financial. The multidisciplinary character of safety engineering suggests that a very broad array of pros are actively involved in incident prevention or protection engineering.

A critical fault endangers or handful of individuals. A catastrophic fault endangers, harms or kills a significant quantity of folks. Engineer's glitches or lack of ability to integrate the HSE administration in his follow spells catastrophic.

ten.0 THE WAY Ahead<br>Everyone need to improve his or her comprehension of HSE awareness by generating safety a main concern. Also, charge powerful answers in purchase to obtain the biggest return on expense really should be created.

Engineers get early layout of a program, review it to come across what faults can come about and then suggest security needs in style and design specs upfront and changes to present methods to make the technique safer.

If significant security problems are identified late in the style approach, correcting them can e very high-priced. This type of mistake has the probable to waste significant sums of funds.

*At all situations, get all reasonable care to assure that your perform and the penalties of your get the job done cause no unacceptable chance to protection.<br>*Just take all affordable methods to make your administration/shopper and people to whom they have a duty of care aware of the hazards you determine. <br>*Make any person overruling or neglecting your expert suggestions formally aware of the consequent risks.<br>*It is important for engineers to keep a deep and wide comprehending of the a lot of technical and expert follow troubles that they will inevitably come across in their role as personnel of manifeste entrepreneurs. This is reached by ideal education, teaching, experience, license, skilled engineering follow and continuing qualified advancement.

11.0 CONCLUSION<br>The engineering follow like the development sector is the agent of social and financial growth, the barometer of financial activities and a extremely huge employer of labour in Nigeria. It accounts for above sixty% of the complete richesse expense. It is the largest employer of labour (consider of all the electrical, mechanical, civil, chemical and laptop or computer work opportunities in industries).

Health, Basic safety and environment, which is involved with living and house have to be taken severe in this occupation. Basic safety methods are essential to avert accidents, diseases and harmful effects on the wellness of the manifeste at large arising from the actions in the sector on web-site and its approximativement or off web-site.

Good HSE administration is obvious in a country through the quality of the professional ethics of the industry experts, engineers inclusive and the amount of her wellbeing values and the condition of her atmosphere, that is, her degree of cleanliness (particular hygiene and manifeste sanitation).

It can only be designed by way of individual determination, willingness and self-sacrifice simply because of the prolonged and brief operate positive aspects therein. HSE conduite practice begins with security consciousness. Protection consciousness dwells with every single and every 1 of us and really should be taken alongside to our professional methods.

Men and women really should identify that their wellbeing and nicely-staying are linked to the high quality of their environment and must utilize thoughtful ideas to effort to enhance the good quality of their setting.

As Engineers, we should lead others in being basic safety acutely aware at all instances and refraining from performing anything that may possibly end result to accident. We ought to utilize basic safety measures to all our every day things to do and take our protection and that of other individuals all around us as our obligations in particular in our procedures.

Eventually, as Engineers we ought to pursue sustainable Wellness, Protection & environmental administration and make it portion and parcel of our engineering exercise right now for the continued relevance of our occupation tomorrow. It is only when this is performed that our qualified ethics will be meaningful figuring out fully properly that the items of our skilled methods have excellent impact on the lives of the entire citizens of this region.

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Alex (Kathryn Newton) is the typical teenage lady, yet lives in the large, wealthy residence. Mac laptop computers everywhere. She in fact offers married mother and father (Stephen Dunham, Alexondra Shelter), however they fight a whole lot and may acquire divorced. You realize, when they make it through. The lady also has any youthful buddy, Wyatt (Aiden Lovekamp) who's fairly normal.

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Watch Paranormal Activity 4 online? turned out to be a fairly different beast than the earlier three movies. We now have employed is ramped upwards, these people change most of the refined worries with more noise-based rumbles and also shadowy statistics, and also the primary personality can be a teenage girl rather than some grown ups. A few would say that exchanging a lot of the subtle frightens is nearly the dumbing-down from the film collection, no more satisfying the observant viewers, as well as yeah, I might agree with which.

However I am much more upset how the principal personality, that has all this actual evidence on her computer but only as soon as attempts to demonstrate to her mothers and fathers and acquire some kind of solution within the functions. Especially will be the car/garage scene. It’s as if these people chose to set up digital cameras to be able to report for days then, you know, never check them out once again.
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